One of the good news that we cannot hide from you is that you can now buy designer bags in installments, whether you want to buy Gucci bags, Louis Vuitton bags, or other international brands. If you are on a budget and you want to buy elegant designer bags that draw everyone’s attention to you, you can do that now with Ounass which allows you to pay in installments and offers you the Ounass discount code 2025 that helps you save more money when making a purchase from the site.
Buying designer bags in installments and only paying an initial amount and then completing payment in monthly installments is one of the things available now on online stores, as they seek to make it possible for everyone to get international brands’ bags in easy-to-pay installments. Ounass is one of the pioneering stores in activating the installment payment system to buy products from it. In addition to that, Ounass helps you to buy bags from luxury designer bags which are sold in installments and paid later.
The Ounass store, which is known for its luxury and elegance, constantly strives to serve its customers by providing easy payment methods when they purchase the products offered in the store, including clothes, shoes, bags, cosmetics, accessories, jewelry, gifts, home supplies and many other products.
As for buying designer bags in installments, you can buy what you love from the Ounass store by taking advantage of the easy installment payment plans that help you order what you need. Then, you can pay at another time in the form of easy monthly installments in cooperation with the list of banks that Ounass deals with, according to the provisions of your bank.
You can purchase products from the Ounass store via the installment feature available in Jordan only if you have a credit card from a bank that supports installment plans.
The method of buying designer bags in installments from the Ounass store can be summarized in three very easy steps, as follows:
First Step: Add a bank account
After selecting the products that you want to buy in installments, you must choose the payment method through the window that requires you to enter your bank account details when paying.
Step two: Choose the bank that supports installment payments
If your bank supports the installment plan, the installment option will be displayed on the screen at the end of your payment information details.
Step Three: Choose the appropriate plan
After entering your bank account details and making sure that it supports payment by installments, you must now choose the installment plan that suits you. There are installment plans for 6 months, 12 months, 24 months, and 36 months, so that you can choose the plan that suits you best, then click on “Order Now”. And get the products within a few days.
After completing your order in the Ounass store, you need to wait a few days to confirm it, as it takes two days to send your information to the bank, and for the bank to transfer the amount in installments, it takes 3 to 5 working days. This means that the entire order takes 5 to 7 days for the purchase to appear after that in the card credit statement. You will receive a message confirming the transfer of the installment plan from your bank.
In the event that the request is canceled for any reason, the amount will be returned to the bank, but you must contact the bank’s customer service to cancel your installment plan. Keep in mind that the transaction fees may not return to you, and this matter is related to the refund policies of the bank you deal with.
In addition to the advantage of buying designer bags in installments, you can take advantage of the Ounass discount code 2025, through which you get an instant Ounass discount code when purchasing products from the Ounass store. The site is characterized as the ideal shopping destination for savings, and it provides many discount codes and promotional offers that you can use and save a lot of money when shopping from online stores like Ounass in Jordan.
Ounass has a variety of advantages that make it the most famous and successful online shopping site. Many shoppers consider it a symbol of luxury and elegance. Here are some of the reasons why you should shop at Ounass:
It gives you golden opportunities to save through the Ounass discount code Jordan, which Al Coupon provides specifically for its customers, who get instant discount rates from the Ounass discount section. This enables site users to purchase premium products with the best quality and the cheapest price when using the Ounass discount code 2025.
Ounass promises to return the price difference in the event that the consumer finds the same product on another site at a cheaper price, and this is what makes it a site with great credibility and transparency.
Its offered products are all original, manufactured with high quality by the most skilled international and local designers.